Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Update from Sylvia

Medical Trip
We had a GREAT trip ... Dr. Jenna Fine was absolutely amazing and she fell in love with the school (she is coming back next year!).  Becca and Kathy Brandt did a great job on helping keep the kids organized and Isaac, our driver, worked really hard!  650 children got physicals, we got some of the clinic set up, did some interviews, and the files are in much better order!
The solar is done!  Hurray!  The second shipment came from Hope for the City and we are thinking of opening the clinic around mid-May.  Once we have a schedule of costs and a quality clinician we can start.
If you have an old laptop and are moving to a new one we could use your old ones!  However many you have (and want to donate) we will take them!  Let me know!  :)
Summer Trip
We are planning the summer trip which will be June 19-30 (which is a one week later change from what was published).  Because of the dramatic increase in air fares (50% increase from last year!) we need 10 people in order to keep to the $3,500 price.  Let me know if you are planning on going.  Deadline for me to know is May 10.
We have 1,006 children in the school, 93 in secondary school (high school) and 3 in college ... we are making progress!
Scholarship Program
We are introducing a scholarship program ... you can have an individual one, a corporate one ... it is $360 for a primary scholarship and $500 for a secondary one.   You can buy as many as you want!  :)
Bits and Pieces
Thursday, May 15, thanks to the efforts of Beth and Steven Rude, it will be the 6th annual Band Aid for Uganda effort at the Holmdel High School.
Thanks to the seniors (and one very special one Rachel Hamias) the students raised $2,500 and will be sponsoring five students in secondary school.  And they said they would be sponsoring more every year!
June 7 and 8 ... plan on coming to the Blue Claws Stadium for the Jersey Shore Wine Festival which will be from noon to 5 ... let me know if you want tickets!  Net proceeds go to Sylvia's Children!
Here is the GREAT news ... at the end of P-7 all students ... countrywide ... take a test (like the SAT's) ... we had the highest performing student IN THE COUNTRY!

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